Under review

Photo Directory for All Employees

Anonymous 11 years ago updated by schmittaf 10 years ago 4

I would very much like to see a photo directory for employees. I feel that this would be easy to do if you took the photo from your photo badge and automatically uploaded it to Google Mail so that when email we know who is who and from a security standpoint.

Under review

We tried demo.card.biz but it did not work. We are still looking at other solutions. 

Working on exporting photos out of the badge system. 

Jwes asked for a photo directory for all camp-life staff. I am also looking into reporting software that can use any data source. (ie the badge database)

I can script this in Google Apps if the photos are named something like G:\EmployeePics\<username>.jpg.  I already have a script in place with the contacts API that lets me accomplish this sort of thing, I would just need to write a batch routine and schedule around what I just described.  I can also choose to either override existing photos or leave them alone if a person already updated their own.