
Offer free, open, ubiquitous use of technology for camp

schmittaf 10 years ago updated by Margaret Fako 10 years ago 2
Free, open, ubiquitous use of technology for camp.
Does this change the charm / feel of camp?
What is the experience of camp?
Will need to delimit times of day, acceptable locations, and likely different rules for different divisions.
Will also need to be specific to the arts area.
Perhaps the establishment of cyber cafe locations like the cafeterias in the evenings, etc.
Need to establish a group of folks to work on the 3-5 year strategy for technology at Camp.
needs to include a detailed elucidation of philosophy around camp experience and how this blends with tech curricular support.
Under review
Interlochen wifi is now open during Camp. Camp students are now allowed to bring smart phones, etc.