
Attendee Research report updates

slawnikmj 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 2
The Attendee research report should be changed as follows:
The report will be divided into two sections, the top one containing only those with Advancement Track A, B, and C, and everyone else in a section following titled "Other Attendees."

In the top section, the Advancement Track should be moved above the name of the person, and in bold.

In the "Other Attendees" section, after the name, there should be a line with Primary Classification and Lifetime Combined, and then a line containing Account Manager and Major Donor Status.
Then the Attendee Notes field. That's it. Please maintain the current sort order and bold the name.

Further, for each event, attendees will be identified by a CGO as a "Top 10" person. They may belong to the A, B, or C Advancement Track or not. We need a way to identify these people within the report. Probably some discussion will be needed between IT & Advancement to determine the best way to do this.

Susan Dyke