
Track/record guest artists (Camp, Academy & LALI) in SalesForce

Anonymous 11 years ago updated by schmittaf 11 years ago 0

1) We'd like to get guest artists who are not yet in SalesForce recorded in the system.

2) We'd like to be able to track when guest artists were on campus.

This will help tell us how individuals became connected to Interlochen and how the relationship developed/deepened over time. (Additionally, it will help me in reporting. I am constantly pulling lists of guest artists for funder reports.)

This came up recently when a prospect of Erin's mentioned that she had done a lecture for LALI, but it was recorded nowhere.

We have batted around a few ideas: Creating a "Guest Artist" Primary Classification; recording guest artist contract periods in the Activity History; recording guest artist contract periods in employment, etc.


Per meeting with Kathleen, Susan, and Kristina, moving the process into Salesforce is not necessary at this time. See gdoc: Management of Guest Artists
Per meeting with Kathleen, Susan, and Kristina, moving the process into Salesforce is not necessary at this time. See gdoc: Management of Guest Artists